Results for 'Ahmad Sidqi Dajani'

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  1.  39
    Ibn atha`illah and the modern philoshopycal sufism.Ahmad Sidqi - 2020 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 14 (2):375-396.
    Rationalities is being have sufficient as the new god of modern humans. Being the fuel of spirit, they try to negate “Being” or metaphysical. The impact of it they alienate the social crisis and spiritual crisis. The extremely spiritual crisis generates atheism or at least agnostic. They leaned on the knowledges and technologist which have suspected them as the driving force of modernization process have resulted the higher degree of modern humans’ rationality. Instead of losing the beliefs is precisely created (...)
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    The spiritual turn.Ahmad Sidqi - 2020 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 14 (2):289-303.
    This article discusses the philosophical dimension of post-modern societies. It examines the champion of rationalities of modern human beings and contends its contemporary limits. It argues that the modern rational philosophies that over-simplify the meaning “being” in metaphysical form has led to the civilizational crisis. In religious dimension, modern human has been sacrificing their inner spiritual dimension of humanity. As a response to this crisis, modernity has initiated the birth of “spiritual turn” that modern human tries to reinvent their spirituality, (...)
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    Wajah tasawuf di era modern: Antara tantangan Dan jawaban.Ahmad Sidqi - 2015 - Epistemé: Jurnal Pengembangan Ilmu Keislaman 10 (1).
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  4. Evolution and Islam's quantum question.Rana Dajani - 2012 - Zygon 47 (2):343-353.
    Abstract The apparent contradictory relationship between Islam and evolution is important because it has been cited as an example of contradiction between religion and science by both thinkers in the West and Muslims. Muslim scholars and scientists mainly disagree with evolution's legitimacy. Islam's Quantum Question by Nidhal Guessoum is a unique narrative providing in one of its first chapters an overview of evolution from neo-Darwinists to creationists, including the views of scholars throughout Islamic history. Guessoum then proceeds to advocate for (...)
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    Eyes Without Country: Searching for a Palestinian Strategy of Liberation.Souad Dajani - 1994 - Temple University Press.
    Since Israel's occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip in 1967, the quest for just and lasting peace has been a fountainhead of debate, negotiation, and violent friction. Souad Dajani traces the Palestinians' struggle and argues for a strategy of nonviolent civilian resistance based on deterrence and defense. This strategy would defeat Israel's political will to maintain their occupation and prepare Palestinians for a time beyond the interim period of self-rule agreed upon by Israel and the PLO in (...)
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    War by Other Means.Souad Dajani - 2001 - Radical Philosophy Review 3 (2):125-132.
    The Oslo “peace process” launched in 1993 can be seen as the latest in a long line of attempts to circumvent the national rights of the Palestinians. In this article, Souad Dajani argues that, contrary to popular opinion, the Al-Aqsa Intifada was not due to non-compliance with Oslo but sterns from flaws built into Oslo since its inception. Essentially, Oslo failed to incorporate the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people to national self-determination and return to their homeland. Dajani (...)
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  7.  42
    The Impact of Islamic Feminism in Empowering Women’s Entrepreneurship in Conflict Zones: Evidence from Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine.Doaa Althalathini, Haya Al-Dajani & Nikolaos Apostolopoulos - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (1):39-55.
    The impact of Islam upon women’s entrepreneurship in conflict zones is woefully absent from the entrepreneurship literature. This is due to the absence of published scholarship about this context rather than the absence of Muslim women’s entrepreneurship there. To address the gap in the literature, we offer a contextualized analysis and contribution by adopting an Islamic feminism lens and explore how Islamic feminism empowers women entrepreneurs and their entrepreneurial activities and behaviours in conflict zones. We argue that Islamic feminism is (...)
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  8.  21
    The Jihād and Its Times: Dedicated to Andrew Stefan EhrenkreutzThe Jihad and Its Times: Dedicated to Andrew Stefan Ehrenkreutz.Reuven Amitai-Preiss, Hadia Dajani-Shakeel & Ronald A. Messier - 1994 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 114 (1):113.
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    Abdullah Ahmad Badawi: A Malaysian Neo-Conservative?Ahmad Fauzi Abdul Hamid & Muhamad Takiyuddin Ismail - 2012 - Japanese Journal of Political Science 13 (3):379-399.
    This article proposes an analysis of changes implemented during Malaysia's Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's administration (20032003), which displayed bias against changes and introduced schemes to justify the systems it upheld. Transmutations wrought during Abdullah's tenure may have been neither substantial nor totalizing, but within the conservative paradigm which had long gripped national politics, Abdullah's deviations were significant nevertheless.
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    Sayyid Ahmad: A Study of the Religous Reform Movement of Sayyid Ahmad of Rā'e BarelīSayyid Ahmad: A Study of the Religous Reform Movement of Sayyid Ahmad of Ra'e Bareli.Aziz Ahmad, Muḥammad Hedāyetullāh & Muhammad Hedayetullah - 1973 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 93 (3):361.
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  11. Dr. Ahmad Aliakbar Mesgari.Ahmad Ali Akbar Mesgari & Hamid Gaesmi - 2011 - Journal of Philosophical Investigations at University of Tabriz 5 (8):191-235.
    The aim of present paper is to introduce the concept of ‘expressive perception’ in Ernst Cassirer’s philosophical mythology. Having Cited Dorothy Emmet’s methodological objection, the author, by recalling Kantian aspect of Cassirer’s thought and referring to the concept of ‘expressive perception’, would make an attempt to reply on his part: according to Cassirer, this level of perceptive experience is the origin of the mythical form of thinking as a whole and, at the same time, is the original and irreducible altogether. (...)
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  12.  25
    The Ethics of Gene Editing from an Islamic Perspective: A Focus on the Recent Gene Editing of the Chinese Twins.Qosay A. E. Al-Balas, Rana Dajani & Wael K. Al-Delaimy - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1851-1860.
    In light of the development of “CRISPR” technology, new promising advances in therapeutic and preventive approaches have become a reality. However, with it came many ethical challenges. The most recent worldwide condemnation of the first use of CRISPR to genetically modify a human embryo is the latest example of ethically questionable use of this new and emerging field. Monotheistic religions are very conservative about such changes to the human genome and can be considered an interference with God’s creation. Moreover, these (...)
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  13. Living with Eqbal Ahmad, 1932-1999: a homage to academician, intellectual & revolutionary.Eqbal Ahmad - 1999 - Lahore: Democratic Commission for Human Development.
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  14. Ibn al-Haytham's Universal Solution for Finding the Direction of the Qibla by Calculation: AHMAD S. DALLAL.Ahmad S. Dallal - 1995 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 5 (2):145-193.
    This paper presents an edition of al-Hasan ibn al-asan ibn al-Haytham's treatise, Qawl fi samt al-qibla bi-al-isāb with translation and commentary. In it Ibn al-Haytham provides a universal method for finding the direction of the qibla at any location on the surface of the earth by using spherical trigonometry and accurate calculation. Ibn al-Haytham's computational solution has not been studied before, and it has often been confused with another work of his in which he uses an analemma construction to solve (...)
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  15.  47
    Travaux récents en histoire de l'astronomie arable*: AHMAD S. DALLAL.Ahmad S. Dallal - 1997 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 7 (2):283-297.
  16.  28
    Incidental Findings in CT Colonography: Literature Review and Survey of Current Research Practice.Hassan Siddiki, J. G. Fletcher, Beth McFarland, Nora Dajani, Nicholas Orme, Barbara Koenig, Marguerite Strobel & Susan M. Wolf - 2008 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 36 (2):320-331.
    Incidental fndings of potential medical signifcance are seen in approximately 5-8 percent of asymptomatic subjects and 16 percent of symptomatic subjects participating in large computed tomography colonography studies, with the incidence varying further by CT acquisition technique. While most CTC research programs have a well-defned plan to detect and disclose IFs, such plans are largely communicated only verbally. Written consent documents should also inform subjects of how IFs of potential medical signifcance will be detected and reported in CTC research studies.
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  17. An Intelligent Tutoring System for Learning Introduction to Computer Science.Ahmad Marouf, Mohammed K. Abu Yousef, Mohammed N. Mukhaimer & Samy S. Abu-Naser - 2018 - International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) 2 (2):1-8.
    The paper describes the design of an intelligent tutoring system for teaching Introduction to Computer Science-a compulsory curriculum in Al-Azhar University of Gaza to students who attend the university. The basic idea of this system is a systematic introduction into computer science. The system presents topics with examples. The system is dynamically checks student's individual progress. An initial evaluation study was done to investigate the effect of using the intelligent tutoring system on the performance of students enrolled in computer science (...)
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  18.  16
    The Effects of a Reading-Based Intervention on Emotion Processing in Children Who Have Suffered Early Adversity and War Related Trauma.Julia E. Michalek, Matteo Lisi, Deema Awad, Kristin Hadfield, Isabelle Mareschal & Rana Dajani - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Early adversity and trauma can have profound effects on children’s affective development and mental health outcomes. Interventions that improve mental health and socioemotional development are essential to mitigate these effects. We conducted a pilot study examining whether a reading-based program improves emotion recognition and mental health through socialization in Syrian refugee and Jordanian non-refugee children aged 7–12 years old living in Jordan. To measure emotion recognition, children classified the expression in faces morphed between two emotions, while mental health was assessed (...)
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  19. Constructible falsity and inexact predicates.Ahmad Almukdad & David Nelson - 1984 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 49 (1):231-233.
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    Living a feminist life.Aalya Ahmad - 2017 - Contemporary Political Theory 18 (2):125-128.
  21. Varying Evidential Standards as a Matter of Justice.Ahmad Elabbar - forthcoming - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.
    The setting of evidential standards is a core practice of scientific assessment for policy. Persuaded by considerations of inductive risk, philosophers generally agree that the justification of evidential standards must appeal to non-epistemic values but debate whether the balance of non-epistemic reasons favours varying evidential standards versus maintaining fixed high evidential standards in assessment, as both sets of standards promote different and important political virtues of advisory institutions. In this paper, I adjudicate the evidential standards debate by developing a novel (...)
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  22. Exploring the Challenges and Implications of Atheism for Religious Society in Malaysia.Ahmad Faizuddin Ramli - 2024 - Islamiyyat 46 (1):99 - 111.
    Atheism is an ideology that rejects the existence of God and has gained increasing prominence in societies globally, including Malaysia. Atheism significantly challenges the religious orientation of Malaysian society. Specifically, atheism challenges spiritual and ethical foundations, unity, and cultural heritage linked to religious beliefs. Understanding these challenges is vital to formulate proactive measures, education, and informed dialogue to mitigate the negative impact of atheism on Malaysian society. This study explored the effects of atheism on Malaysian religious society via library research (...)
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    Higher-Level Paradoxes and Substructural Solutions.Rashed Ahmad - forthcoming - Studia Logica:1-25.
    There have been recent arguments against the idea that substructural solutions are uniform. The claim is that even if the substructuralist solves the common semantic paradoxes uniformly by targeting Cut or Contraction, with additional machinery, we can construct higher-level paradoxes (e.g., a higher-level Liar, a higher-level Curry, and a meta-validity Curry). These higher-level paradoxes do not use metainferential Cut or Contraction, but rather, higher-level Cuts and higher-level Contractions. These kinds of paradoxes suggest that targeting Cut or Contraction is not enough (...)
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    Theology of health of Quranic pesantren in the time of COVID-19.Ahmad Baidowi, Ahmad Salehudin, Abdul Mustaqim, Saifuddin Z. Qudsy & Nurul Hak - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):11.
    Applying the dormitory system for thousands of santri (student of Islamic boarding school in Indonesia), Quranic pesantren (Islamic boarding school) has been considered as one of the main culprits in the spread of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Such assumption is created solely from the applicable health protocols and protective measures to avoid COVID-19 transmission in pesantren. As a matter of fact, pesantrens are known to have applied a distinctive way of coping with COVID-19. This study aims to elucidate the (...)
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  25.  30
    The Sufi order against religious radicalism in Indonesia.Maghfur Ahmad, Abdul Aziz, Mochammad N. Afad, Siti M. Muniroh & Husnul Qodim - 2021 - HTS Theological Studies 77 (4):11.
    This study aimed to analyse the contribution of the Sufi order in stemming religion-based violence as a form of the Sufis’ response to rampant violence, extremism and religious radicalism. This study used a qualitative method in which the data were obtained through interviews, observation and documentation. Then they were analysed by using an interactive model. This study was carried out in three Sufi communities of the Sufi order Qadariyah wan Naqshabandiyah (TQN) in Indonesia, namely in Suryalaya Islamic Boarding School, Futuhiyyah (...)
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  26. Intercultural Theology in the Multicultural Context of Muslim-Buddhist Relation in Malaysia: History, Identity, and Issues.Ahmad Faizuddin Ramli - 2022 - Religions 13 (1125).
    Relationship-oriented questions have always been at the crossroads of ethnoreligious identity, religious freedom, religious conversion, religious prejudice, and religious pluralism throughout Muslim-Buddhist co-existence in the sixth century within the Malay Archipelago. Other faiths could be freely practised except for propagation towards Muslim communities with Islam being the religion of the federation. This study aimed to explore Muslim-Buddhist relation types and the issues underpinning the following themes: history, identity, and concerns. Content and thematic analysis as well discourse analysis were utilised as (...)
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    Global chaos synchronization of new chaotic system using linear active control.Israr Ahmad, Azizan Bin Saaban, Adyda Binti Ibrahim & Mohammad Shahzad - 2016 - Complexity 21 (1):379-386.
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  28. Genetics of emotional regulation: the role of the serotonin transporter in neural function.Ahmad R. Hariri & Andrew Holmes - 2006 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10 (4):182-191.
  29. Expertise, moral subversion, and climate deregulation.Ahmad Elabbar - 2024 - Synthese 203 (5):1-28.
    The weaponizing of scientific expertise to oppose regulation has been extensively studied. However, the relevant studies, belonging to the emerging discipline of agnotology, remain focused on the analysis of empirical corruption: of misinformation, doubt mongering, and other practices that cynically deploy expertise to render audiences ignorant of empirical facts. This paper explores the wrongful deployment of expertise beyond empirical corruption. To do so, I develop a broader framework of morally subversive expertise, building on recent work in political philosophy (Howard, 2016). (...)
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    Understanding the atheism phenomenon through the lived experiences of Muslims: An overview of Malaysian atheists.Ahmad F. Ramli, Muhammad R. Sarifin, Norazlan H. Yaacob & Siti A. M. Zin - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):8.
    Little is known about the background of atheism in Malaysia and how Muslims respond to the phenomenon, although provocations by Malaysian atheists often take place on social media. This study addressed the gap by exploring the atheism phenomenon in Malaysia’s ethnoreligious-oriented society. Data were collected from in-depth interviews and content analysis using the qualitative method. All data were analysed thematically using the software for qualitative analysis, ATLAS.ti. The resulting superordinate themes that emerged from the analysis include the phenomenon of Malaysian (...)
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    Alexandre d'Aphrodise vs Jean Philopon: Notes sur quelques traités d'Alexandre “perdus” en grec, conservés en arabe.Ahmad Hasnawi - 1994 - Arabic Sciences and Philosophy 4 (1):53-109.
    Dans cet article, l'auteur fait état de nouvelles données à propos de trois traités attribués a Alexandre d'Aphrodise en arabe et dont on pensait qu'ils n'avaient pas de correspondant grec. II montre que le premier (D.8a) est une version adaptée – selon les normes du “cercle d'al-Kindi’ – deQuaestioI 21, à côte de la traduction plus tardive et plus exacte de cette mêmeQuaestiodue à Abù ‘Uṭmān al-Dimašqī (m. 900). II montre que les deux autres traités (D.9 et D.16), en revanche, (...)
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    Religion as critique: Islamic critical thinking from Mecca to the marketplace.Irfan Ahmad - 2017 - Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press.
    Irfan Ahmad makes the far-reaching argument that potent systems and modes for self-critique as well as critique of others are inherent in Islam--indeed, critique is integral to its fundamental tenets and practices. Challenging common views of Islam as hostile to critical thinking, Ahmad delineates thriving traditions of critique in Islamic culture, focusing in large part on South Asian traditions. Ahmad contemplates and interrogates Greek and Enlightenment notions of reason and critique, and he notes how they are invoked (...)
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  33. Buddhism according to Modern Muslim Exegetes.Ahmad Faizuddin Ramli - 2020 - International Journal of Islam in Asia 1 (1):1-18.
    This paper offers preliminary notes on Buddhism in modern Muslim exegesis with an emphasis on Tafsir al-Qasimi by Muhammad Jamal al-Din al-Qasimi (1866–1914) and al-Mizan fi Tafsir al-Qurʾan by Muhammad Husayn Tabatabaʾi (1892-1981). The research adopts a qualitative design using content analysis to collect the data. In this paper two main questions regarding both exegetes will be explored. The first question concerns the sources of both scholars for their information about Buddhism by including the discussion in their exegesis. The second (...)
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  34.  50
    A single session of exercise increases connectivity in sensorimotor-related brain networks: a resting-state fMRI study in young healthy adults.Ahmad S. Rajab, David E. Crane, Laura E. Middleton, Andrew D. Robertson, Michelle Hampson & Bradley J. MacIntosh - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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    Some Special Pairs of Σ2 e-Degrees.Seema Ahmad & Alistair H. Lachlan - 1998 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 44 (4):431-449.
    It is shown that there are incomparable Σ2 e-degrees a, b such that every e-degree strictly less than a is also less than b.
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    Current state of ethical challenges reported in Saudi Arabia: a systematic review & bibliometric analysis from 2010 to 2021.Shakil Ahmad, Mohammad Rasheed, Khawaja Bilal Waheed & Alexander Woodman - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-36.
    BackgroundOver the past few years, five domains of importance about the current state of bioethics in Saudi Arabia have shaped the perspective of most research: doctor-patient relationship, informed consent, do-not-resuscitate, organ donation, and transplantation, medical students’ knowledge and attitudes about medical ethics curriculum. This systematic review aimed to systematically identify, compile, describe and discuss ethical arguments and concepts in the best-studied domains of bioethics in Saudi Arabia and to present cultural, social, educational, and humane perspectives. MethodsSix databases were searched using (...)
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    Indonesians Do Not Believe in Lying: New Results of Replicating Coleman and Kay’s Study.Ahmad Adha - 2020 - Pro-Fil 21 (1):11.
    For most people, a lie would be defined solely as a false statement. However, many philosophers argue that a statement does not need to be false to be considered a lie, what is important is that the speaker believes that the statement is false. In a prototype semantic analysis, there are three elements of a lie, namely factual falsity, belief, and intention (Coleman and Kay, 1981). As in the case of philosophers’ arguments, English, Spanish, Arabic and Hungarian speakers consider belief (...)
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  38.  25
    Can organizations get away with greenwashing? CSR attributions and counterproductive sustainability behaviors.Ifzal Ahmad, Dima Rachid Jamali & Muhammad Nisar Khattak - 2024 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 34 (1):103-120.
    Over the past couple of decades, research on the perks of corporate social responsibility has reported that it is a source of competitive advantage and can increase the bottom-line performance of the organization. However, a somewhat small proportion of this research is focused on the ‘greenwash’ side, which posits that not all CSR would lead to positive impacts. By extending this line of research, the current study is aimed at investigating the differential impacts of CSR by developing a scale for (...)
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  39.  42
    The Lesser of Two Evils: Application of Maslahah-Mafsadah Criteria in Islamic Ethical-Legal Assessment of Genetically Modified Mosquitoes in Malaysia.Ahmad Firdhaus Arham, Nur Asmadayana Hasim, Mohd Istajib Mokhtar, Nurhafiza Zainal, Noor Sharizad Rusly, Latifah Amin, Shaikh Mohd Saifuddeen, Muhammad Adzran Che Mustapa & Zurina Mahadi - 2022 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 19 (4):587-598.
    The release of over 6,000 genetically modified mosquitoes (GMM) into uninhabited Malaysian forests in 2010 was a frantic step on the part of the Malaysian government to combat the spread of dengue fever. The field trial was designed to control and reduce the dengue vector by producing offspring that die in the early developmental stage, thus decreasing the local Aedes aegypti population below the dengue transmission threshold. However, the GMM trials were discontinued in Malaysia despite being technologically feasible. The lack (...)
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    Cultural myth of eclipse in a Central Javanese village: Between Islamic identity and local tradition.Ahmad Izzuddin, Mohamad A. Imroni, Ali Imron & Mahsun Mahsun - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (4):1–9.
    This article examines the relationship between religion, tradition and identity as seen from the myth about eclipses in a village in Central Java. Javanese people in rural areas still hold beliefs passed down from their ancestors about eclipses, both lunar and solar eclipses. Using a qualitative approach, the results of the study showed that the villagers believe that eclipses occur because of evil giants called buto named Batara Kala who try to devour the sun or the moon. This natural phenomenon (...)
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  41.  13
    The Death of Cryonics: Factors Related to Its Poor Uptake.Ayesha Ahmad & Simon Dein - 2022 - European Journal of Theology and Philosophy 2 (6):1-8.
    Cryonics is a technique for freezing dead bodies at very low temperatures in the hope they will be revived at some time in the future when medical technology becomes available. At present, there are no known revival methods; however, the role of innovation in medical practice leads certain individuals to hypothesize that death will be reversible in the future. While cryonics might resonate with certain questionable contemporary Western cultural themes of death denial and neoliberalism its uptake remains minuscule. Several reasons (...)
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    The Representation of Laji’een and Muhajireen in the Headlines of Jordan News Agency.Ahmad S. Haider & Saleh Olimy - 2019 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 32 (1):155-186.
    This paper explores the representation of Laji’een and Muhajireen in Jordan News Agency. It uses the headlines of a 2.5 million word corpus of Arabic news articles in a time span of 5 years from 2012 to 2016. Chronologically analyzing the headlines shows a change in the representation of and attitudes towards refugees and migrants over the investigated period. The analysis of the headlines shows that 2012 starts with providing the assistance to the refugees then at a later stage of (...)
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    Art in social studies: Exploring the world and ourselves with rembrandt.Iftikhar Ahmad - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 42 (2):pp. 19-37.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Art in Social Studies: Exploring the World and Ourselves with RembrandtIftikhar Ahmad (bio)IntroductionRembrandt’s art lends itself as a fertile resource for teaching and learning social studies. His art not only captures the social studies themes relevant to the Dutch Golden Age, but it also offers a description of human relations transcending temporal and spatial frontiers. Rembrandt is an imaginative storyteller with a keen insight for minute details. His (...)
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    Ästhetik des Bösen: Religiöse und filmisch-serielle Zugänge.Ahmad Milad Karimi (ed.) - 2023 - Verlag Karl Alber.
    This volume offers interreligious and interdisciplinary insight into the cinematic-serial and literary narration of evil. Evil is an important motif in literature, film and series. We encounter it in the most diverse forms - be it the Joker from The Dark Knight, Goethe's Mephisto or in the Shiite theatre ritual of the Taʿziya. This volume attempts a closer exploration of what we know as evil, and yet find difficult to comprehend. In addition to Christian and Islamic perspectives, philosophical and mystical (...)
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  45. Decolonization and psychoanalysis: the underside of signification.Ahmad Fuad Rahmat - 2025 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    Decolonization and Psychoanalysis challenges traditional psychoanalytic frameworks by revisiting Lacan's conceptualization of the materiality of speech through a decolonial lens. Ahmad Fuad Rahmat explores how Lacan's ideas about the symbolic order and its historical development are intertwined with colonial assumptions, and proposes that rethinking these assumptions can pave the way for a decolonial psychoanalysis. The book explores how Lacan uses Freud's Jewishness as a marginalized perspective that reveals the excluded dimensions of signification within the symbolic order, and examines James (...)
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    Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Symptom Dimensions Differentially Predict Adolescent Peer Problems: Findings From Two Longitudinal Studies.Shaikh I. Ahmad, Jocelyn I. Meza, Maj-Britt Posserud, Erlend J. Brevik, Stephen P. Hinshaw & Astri J. Lundervold - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Introduction: Previous findings that inattention and hyperactive/impulsive symptoms predict later peer problems have been mixed. Utilizing two culturally diverse samples with shared methodologies, we assessed the predictive power of dimensionally measured childhood IA and HI symptoms regarding adolescent peer relationships.Methods: A US-based, clinical sample of 228 girls with and without childhood diagnosed attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder was assessed and followed 5 years later. A Norwegian, population-based sample of 3,467 children was assessed and followed approximately 4 years later. Both investigations used parent and (...)
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    Assortative mating for height in Pakistani arranged marriages.Mahmud Ahmad - 1985 - Journal of Biosocial Science 17 (2):211-214.
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    Embedding the diamond in the σ2 enumeration degree.Seema Ahmad - 1991 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 56 (1):195 - 212.
  49. A Comparative Study on the Notion of Dialogue in Islam and Buddhism.Ahmad Faizuddin Ramli - 2023 - Afkar: Jurnal Akidah and Pemikiran Islam 25 (2):67–110.
    Interfaith dialogue is a vital tool for promoting understanding and cooperation between different religious communities. This article presents a comparative study of the Islamic and Buddhist perspectives on interfaith dialogue. Drawing on primary sources from both religions, this study explores the theological foundations of interfaith dialogue and the practical strategies employed by Muslims and Buddhists in promoting interfaith understanding. The similarities and differences between the two religions’ approaches to interfaith dialogue are analysed, examining how their respective beliefs, practices, and histories (...)
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  50. Islam Without Europe: Traditions of Reform in Eighteenth Century Islamic Thought.Ahmad S. Dallal - unknown
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